So we went there. The place is actually not in the main street of Kebon Sirih, but more like in one of the small streets. Easy to find though. But the problem is that the parking area seems to be very full at the time Tuko arrived. And the security guy actually asked for IDR35,000 or around USD2.80 for the valet charge. Are they insane? That's even more expensive than the one in the malls. But because of we're already there, we'll have to take it.
The entrance door / gate to the bar is actually very small and Bali feels.

This is what Tuko means by the bar on the left hand side and bar stools + tables by the front and right hand side.
These are the open air area. Pretty interesting design with Balinese architectural designs. There are small fish ponds and fountains around the area. The open area maybe can hold up around 50 - 60 people.

Tuko and friends were sitting inside since the outdoor is already full. The inside is the area where they say not supposed to smoke inside. But once you are inside, there are many people just smoke casually and the waiters just let them be.

So for the start before we even order up, the waiter let us know that within 15 minutes their hourly promotion will be over. The promotion for that time was Balonku Ada 5. It's a bucket with 5 laboratory's glass filled with 5 different type of liquor. The original price is IDR54,000 or around USD4.30. Gone down on promotion to only IDR25,000 or around USD2. Amazing, so tuko and friends order it up.
And then for the food, Tuko ordered Nasi Goreng Melly's and Gorengan Kampoeng. The nasi goreng price is IDR29,000 or around USD2.30. And the gorengan is around IDR28,000 or around USD2.20.
The nasi goreng is just ok. Edible but something Tuko will want to order up again though. There's 2 pieces of fried chicken + shrimp cracker + sunny side up + pickles and normal nasi goreng. The nasi goreng doesn't even taste interesting.
The gorengan is actually combination of 2 fried banana, 2 fried tofu, 2 fried tempe and 2 fried cassava. With a few chilli being prepared to be eaten with if that's what your palate asked for. Among all these, the good one is only the tempe. Others just simply edible only.
The Balonku Ada 5 drink sucks terribly. What kind of spirits do they put inside? It's just burning feeling, Tuko really doubt and even have the perception maybe this is a knock off fake drink. It's being sold on a very crazily cheap price here Indonesia. Tuko met this kind of knock off cheap drink before and it tasted like you're drinking gasoline.
Hourly promotion certainly is a very interesting idea and can attract people. There's even popcorn up to grab for free. The waiters are very polite. The atmosphere and place's design is impressive.
But with this kind of food and drink, Tuko really will think twice to come back. Not that Tuko doesn't want. Tuko will still want to come back but only with a really good reason.